Who Can Help Your Incontinence?

Who Can Help Your Incontinence?

Nurse Continence Advisor (NCA) is a nurse who has been specially educated to help people with bladder control problems. The focus of the Nurse Continence Advisor is to help you learn what you can do to regain bladder control. Physiotherapist is a health care provider who can provide you with valuable advice and an exercise program to help you control your bladder.

Urologist is a surgeon who specializes in conditions involving the urinary tract. He or she is specifically trained to understand all medical conditions affecting the bladder, including incontinence.

Urogynaecologist is a medical doctor who has received special training to understand what causes problems with women’s bladders.

Gastroenterologist, proctologist or colorectal surgeon for diagnosis and treatment of fecal incontinence.

 Source: Canadian Continence Foundation

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